Saturday, June 6, 2009

Waimea Bay

Our plan for today was to get up early and head up to Laie and go to the PCC. I tried to get tickets, but waited a little too long and they were sold out, so we had to switch gears. We decided to go to the PCC on Monday and play on the beach today.

We headed to the North Shore via Pali Highway. Of course, the Pali Lookout was the first stop. The wind was howling which made taking a group photo a challenge!

After the lookout, we went to the Valley of the Temples and walked around the grounds.

Feeding the birds!

The temple in Laie is being remodeled so the best we could do is a photo in front of it. It is now gray rather than white. It will be interesting to see what it eventually looks like when done.

Kind of funny to see missionaries breaking into a car. The Director of the Visitor's Center was even getting in on the act!

Waimea Bay was really flat this time. The weather was a little nicer - no rain. Not many people around though so we were able to play in the water. Rachel, Cameron and I swam and snorkeled.

We even managed to get a few photos of fish.
Great Barracuda

Reef Lizardfish

Bandtail Goatfish

We had dinner at our favorite Mexican Restaurant and got some very disturbing news - they are closing! They lost their lease and have decided to throw in the towel. Very, very sad!

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