Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010 Humpback Whales - Lanai Lookout "Boys will be boys!"

This may be one of the last whale posts for this Spring. They are about gone for the summer, but this morning Lauri and I drove out to Lanai Lookout just to see if we could spot a few.

After a while, what appears at first to be a dolphin, began breaching out in front of the Lookout. I put the camera on it and soon realized it was a Humpback calf!

Over the next fifteen minutes or so, that little calf breached repeatedly - over and over!

Then the cow got into the act. The calf would breach and she would tail slap. That went on for another 5 minutes or so.

She gave up after a while and just let the little guy keep going.

What a fun way to spend a half hour!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Hopefully this next trip will provide some new and exciting sightings!!!