Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 24th

Rosemarie had the whole Smith family over to celebrate the 24th. Rebecca made these really cool salad kabobs

The whole group together on the deck having dinner and chatting.

The grand kid's table.

Eating ice cream and visiting.

Cute couple. So nice to see them smiling!

Grandma was describing something interesting.

Hanging out with Dad (pun intended). You can tell he liked the ice cream!

Caleb playing with the other kids.

Getting ready for the big fireworks show. The bigger kids had them all lined up and ready to go.

All ready and just waiting for the grownups to show up.

Intent on what is happening in the street!

Best buddies watching the show.

The whole gang out watching the big boys play with matches!

Thanks Rosemarie for a fun evening enjoying good food and company!

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