Saturday, August 2, 2008

Handing Out Flat Tires

Saturday afternoon I was trying to start Cydney's old Jeep and had to charge the dead battery before I could make the attempt (futile attempt, by the way). I put the jumper cables on the pickup and the jeep and left the pickup running while I was mowing the back lawn. So that the pickup didn't drive away on its own though, I locked the doors.

When I came back to finish the charging process and attempt to start the jeep, I used my other set of keys to unlock the pickup and then put them down on the back bumper of the Trailblazer. Have you ever done something and had a little voice whisper to you that it was not a good idea? Not something bad, just not good. Well I knew as I placed the keys there that I shouldn't, but. . .

Later that night, Rebecca ran an errand and took the Trailblazer. The next morning, I remembered setting the keys on the bumper and went looking for them. Of course they were gone! Lauri and I went to trace Rebecca's steps to see if we could find them, and sure enough, there they were in the middle of the State Street - 1600 North intersection.

We don't have to worry about someone finding them and doing anything bad with them, but some folks probably are fixing their tires now!!!


Jessica said...

Holy crap! I can't believe that you found them. The question is how much are those keyless deals going to cost to replace? Ugh, I'm sorry. I noticed you posted more. I am going up to Grandma's right now so I will read more later!

Kerry said...

I haven't even thought about that yet. I was just relieved to know their whereabouts.

Lauri said...

Yeah glad to know that someone isn't out there carrying them around.

Cydney Jensen said...

Oh my gosh! That is so crazy!