It has been a pretty surreal day! I was blasted out of a sound sleep this morning at 6:00 when the tsunami sirens just outside the hotel sounded off. I knew there had been a large earthquake in Chile last night so I knew what it was. I turned on the TV and they were announcing that a 10-12 foot tsunami was expected to hit the islands around 11:00 am!
That was a little shocking. I got dressed and went down to get a parking pass so I could go to Safeway and get some food and water since they were suggesting that everyone have 5-7 days of food and water on-hand. In the lobby I found out that roads into Waikiki were closed so I could drive out but not back in.
I decided I would walk to Food Pantry. There were a few people on the street, but mostly waiting in front of ABC stores that were not going to open today. When I got to the store, it was surprisingly orderly and the crowd didn't seem bad, except for the checkout lines. They went clear around the inside of the store.
I got my groceries and waited in line which took 45 minutes! Just as I got to the front of the line, people started flooding into the store and some of them looked a little wide-eyed and panicky. The security guards had formed a line outside the store and were only letting people in as others left the store. When I got outside, the sidewalks were now crowded with people trying to either get supplies or get out of the area.
I waited it out in my hotel room while watching the TV and blogging.
As it turned out, the tsunami did hit, but it was almost a non-event in Hawaii, thankfully. A little stress but it turned out well.
My thoughts have been with those in Chile and on Robinson Crusoe Island and all the devastation that are dealing with. Also, Okinawa - they had a 7.0 earthquake last night, the largest ever recorded there. With over 500,000 homes destroyed, there are millions of homeless people tonight that are suffering. It is heartbreaking - we are all safe, but they are not.
My reaction to all this took me a little by surprise. I am reminded of a quote by John Donne:
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind: and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
8 years ago
Appreciate your thoughts. We surely are blessed. I am glad that you are safe and sound.
Sometimes it seems like these events happen so far away only affect a relatively small area. It was amazing to see how this one earthquake affected the entire Pacific Rim. Half the world waited to see if it would affect them or not. I like the quote, because we are all more connected than we sometimes think we are. Glad it was a "non-event" in Hawaii
I must admit the waiting and wondering was difficult as the projected time came closer and closer. I am grateful that the damage there was so small and in other areas AND that you are safe and returning this week. My heart goes out for Chile and for all of those suffering there. It appears the Pacific rim is waking up!
In addition to that quote, I keep thinking of what Obi-Wan says just after the Death Star blows up Alderaan. "I sense a great disturbance in the Force. It is as though millions of voice cried out in terror and were suddenly silent." Suffering should cause us all to react.
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